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Tag: Belgrade

25 posts   See also:  Grand Prix 2022   Main feature   Richard Rapport

The closing ceremony of the Belgrade Grand Prix

The second leg of the 2022 FIDE Grand Prix chess series was concluded in Belgrade’s Crowne Plaza hotel with the closing ceremony attended by local and international chess representatives

 1441   2022   Belgrade   Dmitry Andreikin   Grand Prix 2022   Main feature   Richard Rapport

FIDE Grand Prix: Richard Rapport triumphs in Belgrade

With 1.5 vs 0.5, Richard Rapport defeated Dmitry Andreikin in the FIDE Grand Prix second leg final

 2047   2022   Belgrade   Grand Prix 2022   Main feature

Rapport Wins Second Leg of the Grand Prix Series 2022

In the final he beat Dmitry Andreikin with a score of 1.5:0.5

 2372   2022   Belgrade   Grand Prix 2022   Richard Rapport

Belgrade Grand Prix Finals: Game One Recap

Dmitry Andreikin and Richard Rapport drew their first game in the finals of the Belgrade Grand Prix

 933   2022   Belgrade   Grand Prix 2022   Main feature
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