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World Chess NFT Drop: Free, Beatiful, Linked to a Chess Position

When it comes to chess NFTs, there are now so many options that it can be hard to know what exactly you need (and whether you need this at all). Do you want a chess award from the NFT? Meltwater Champions Chess Tour makes them. What about a chess moment NFT? The International Chess Federation sells some. Is it something real or just a trick?

Gallery of unique chess pieces generated randomly for demo purposes by the algorithm developed by World Chess. You can create your own free NFT

To help you navigate such a complicated and populated space, World Chess along with Wired Consulting researched chess relationship with blockchain, talked to the most enthusiastic experts and digital artists, and created a limited edition chess NFT linked to a chess position and featuring a unique chess piece which is rendered from a chess position. To begin with, it’s free, and it’s beautiful.

World Chess NFT

An NFT (non-fungible token) is a digital asset that exists on a blockchain, a record of transactions kept on networked computers. The blockchain serves as a public ledger, allowing anyone to verify the NFT’s authenticity and who owns it.

World Chess has come up with an algorithm to create a unique chess piece linked to a corresponding chess position, and users can set up their favorite positions and mint their own NFTs given that the position they create is unique and not claimed by anyone. The position (or ‘FEN’) will be rendered into a completely unique chess piece (it’s value, color, light, surface, and other parameters will be unique, and no two chess pieces are alike). Then the user will receive the asset in a specially-created Algorand wallet. There are only 10,000 NFTs in this inaugural drop, and they will be distributed on a first-come first-serve basis. 3000 reserved for World Chess projects such as prizes, and 7000 will be distributed. For the first three days, NFTs are available only to FIDE Online Arena Pro members. At the moment, NFT distribution is limited to one per email.

What’s the World Chess NFT Value?

NFT is traditionally a collectible piece on its own, but World Chess NFT also has intrinsic value the moment it’s minted: the unique chess can be used as key visuals for chess events. The unique design of the piece can be used to produce a one-of-a-kind chess set, and more. Especially valuable and interesting chess positions will have a link to the NFT owner’s profile on the FIDE Online Arena platform.

FIDE Online Arena on Blockchain

FIDE Online Arena is the exclusive gaming platform of the International Chess Federation (FIDE) and offers chess players to play online for the official Arena rating recognized by FIDE and qualify for the online titles — a revolution for the sport where millions instantly received a chance to become professional chess players (in order to take part in the top events, they will still need over-the-board rating, but many jumpstart their chess career online before moving to the offline circuit). All data from the FIDE Online Arena is recorded on-chain.

White Russian, an innovative design agency, collaborated on the design of the NFT and the algorithm that creates the unique chess pieces.

Mint your own NFT!

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