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Round 2 of the FIDE Grand Prix in Berlin finished with 8 draws

Round 2 of the third leg of the FIDE Grand Prix 2022 ended with 8 draws. GMs Levon Aronian, Leinier Dominguez, Alexandr Predke, and Nikita Vitiugov are still leading their Groups with 1.5/2.

Photos: Pierre Adenis/World Chess

It was an uneventful day for the FIDE Grand Prix with all boards finishing in a draw. The round started with six out of eight games starting with 1.e4 and with no surprises. The only game that could have been decisive was Dominguez-Keymer. The American GM had a huge endgame advantage according to the engine, but he couldn’t find the right moves, so the game ended in a draw, the last for the day.

“Assuming Dominguez-Keymer ends in a draw, let’s talk about how dramatically the situation changed in every group after today’s round,” GM Evgeny Miroshnichenko joked right before the end.

After their games, the players were interviewed by WGM Dina Belenkaya with Sam Shankland commenting: “My dad grew up in Germany, my grandparents are from the US; after WWII was over, my grandfather, a soldier, stayed around to try to rebuild Germany. So my dad always told me that he could never cross the Wall cause it was still around when he was growing up.”

You can watch the interviews here.

Join our live stream with GM Evgenij Miroshnichenko and WIM Jesse February and watch the games.

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