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“It’s not just about political opinion, it’s about the killing of innocent Ukrainians” GM Wesley So states about the war

Wearing blue and yellow, GM Wesley So gave an interview to WGM Dina Belenkaya commenting on Russia’s invasion of Ukraine as well as the statements of GM Sergey Karjakin.

Wesley So is currently in Berlin, participating in the third leg of the FIDE Grand Prix Series 2022. After Round 2 and his draw against Predke, Dina Belenkaya interviewed So and couldn’t help but notice his blue-yellow clothing. So responded that it was a theme shirt that he has worn in the Youth Championship but in general he and his family fully support Ukraine.

“In the 21st century, no one wants war anymore, because there will be no chess first of all, no businesses, and people are dying. I’m a big fan of WWI and WWII history and what I see happening right now is the same thing that was happening back then, and it’s very sad.” So added.

Dina also asked the American GM his opinion on Karjakin’s ban from competitive chess. “I saw he’s been writing on Twitter [giggles]! I have nothing to say against Sergey but I think he has lost his mind the last couple of months.” So responded.

“But do you think it’s proper to judge a sportsman according to his own personal opinion” Dina asked. “Yes, I think so, because he is using his platform and his fame. This is not just about political opinion, it’s about the killing of innocent civilians, and innocent Ukrainians. This is not just politics, it’s war.”

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