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Ding Liren Wins; Match Score Evens

The sixth game of the World Chess Championship match ended with a convincing victory of Ding Liren over Ian Nepomniachtchi, to even the score to 3:3. With four decisive games in the first six rounds, both players are displaying a fierce determination to win.

Photo: David Liada, FIDE

Playing as White, Ding Liren opted for the London system, which offers a solid position to White. Both sides got out even from the opening, but the position was more promising for White as he effectively blocked Black’s queenside by advancing his pawn to a5. This game felt like a repeat of yesterday’s game where Ian Nepomniachtchi similarly defeated Ding, gradually outplaying him thanks to the better coordination of White’s pieces.

The Match score is now even. It now had more decisive games that three previous matches combined, and is becoming the fight of charisma rather than skill. Both players, according to the commentators, are susceptible to mood swings, but so far both exhibit suprising resilience.

Game 7 of the 14-game marathon starts today and marks the equator of the Championship Match.

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